Cary Tree Service NC

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Cary Tree Service and Tree Removal You can Trust

Cary Tree Service/Tree Removals

tree service cary nc

Not many things are more dangerous to your home and property than a dead or dying tree. A severe thunderstorm or hurricane can cause thousands of dollars in damage if a compromised tree falls. The risk extends beyond property damage, posing a significant threat to friends, family, and even pets who might be outside when branches or limbs come crashing down. This makes tree removal a critical service for various reasons.

Immediate action is required in several situations. If a tree is diseased, it needs to be removed promptly to prevent the infection from spreading to other plants and causing further damage. Dead trees are unpredictable and can fall apart at any time, potentially harming people or damaging property. Proactive removal is essential to ensure safety.

Even if you simply dislike a particular tree and want it removed, we can handle that too. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call Ashland Tree Service today at 919-740-3959 for prompt and professional tree removal in Cary. Act now and take advantage of our special Veteran Discount. Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities!

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Arborist Services in Cary, NC

We bring over 30 years of arborist and tree care experience, invaluable knowledge, and expertise. When we see any issue, we know how we will approach it. A less experienced company may not know what to do in several circumstances, leading to dead trees and potential accidents. Arborists are trained tree surgeons. We understand all of the small nuances and how most things will likely affect your trees’ health.

It doesn’t take much to send your trees toward death, especially when you throw a lack of experience into the mix. A good tree service can help you keep your yard alive and looking its best.

We can also give you tips and answer your questions so you’re better prepared and informed to stay vigilant and keep our eyes out for another tree in the future. We’d like to address any related issues or dangers to your property.

tree-pruning-raleigh, Cary Tree Service

Cary Stump Removals/Stump Grinding

Old stumps in your yard, especially in areas where people frequently walk or play, are more than just an annoyance; they are hazardous obstacles. If you’ve ever tried to tackle stump removal on your own, you know how complex and challenging it can be.

Effective stump removal requires grinding and extracting the remnants from beneath the soil’s surface. Left unattended, stumps can take years to decay naturally, posing ongoing risks and detracting from your yard’s appearance. The daunting task of removing a well-established stump on your own can be overwhelming.

While using a chainsaw might seem like a quick fix, it can wear down your equipment with little to show for your efforts. This is why enlisting a professional tree service for stump grinding is often the most efficient and cost-effective strategy.

Our team can resolve this issue swiftly in one visit without resorting to harsh chemicals, chainsaws, or axes. We use specialized stump grinders to eradicate the stump, often at a lower cost than many homeowners anticipate.

If you ever need to fell a tree on your property and wish to preserve the stump for creative repurposing, such as a rustic outdoor seat, let us know. We are happy to accommodate your wishes and leave the stump at a suitable height for your project.

Don’t let old stumps continue to be a problem. Call Ashland Tree Service at (919) 740-3959 for a hassle-free solution to your stump problems. Our professional team is ready to transform your landscape into a safer, more inviting space. Act now and make your yard stump-free today!

You’ll be able to learn more about our stump grinding services.

Tree Trimming/Tree Pruning

Proper tree trimming and pruning are essential practices that can significantly extend the lifespan and accelerate the growth of most trees. However, this is not a task to be taken lightly or attempted without expertise. Professional tree services are crucial, as cutting too much or too little can harm the tree and potentially lead to its premature death. Regular pruning is necessary to maintain tree health, remove dead parts, and encourage new, stronger growth.

Many homeowners might look at a tree and assume that its outward appearance of health indicates that everything is fine. However, this can be misleading. Trees can have several underlying problems that are not immediately visible. Issues such as disease, pests, or structural weaknesses can lurk beneath the surface, compromising the tree’s health and stability. This is why professional assessment and care are so important.

Beyond health, the aesthetics of a well-maintained tree cannot be overstated. An untrimmed or poorly trimmed tree can significantly detract from the overall appearance of your property. Overgrown branches can create an unsightly mess, and worse, they can pose safety risks if they hang too close to your home or other structures. Trimming live branches when necessary is fine, but it is crucial to ensure they do not touch your home or other areas where they could fall and cause damage.

For more detailed information about proper tree care and what an arborist can do for you, visit the International Society of Arboriculture.

The benefits of professional tree pruning extend beyond mere aesthetics and safety. Well-pruned trees are more resistant to high winds and storms, which means they are less likely to suffer damage during severe weather events. This proactive care can save you significant amounts of money in potential repair costs and provide peace of mind during stormy seasons.

Moreover, proper pruning techniques improve air circulation and sunlight penetration through the tree’s canopy. This helps to reduce the risk of disease and pest infestations, ensuring that your trees remain healthy and vibrant. Healthy trees also contribute to a healthier environment by improving air quality, providing shade, and supporting wildlife.

It’s important to recognize that tree trimming and pruning are not one-time tasks but ongoing maintenance practices. Trees require regular attention to ensure they continue to grow properly and remain safe. By scheduling routine inspections and maintenance with a professional tree service, you can catch and address potential problems early before they become more significant issues.

To further understand the importance of tree care and the potential dangers of neglecting it, you might find this article on The Dangers and Tragedies of Falling Trees helpful and informative. It highlights real-life incidents and emphasizes the need for regular tree maintenance.

In conclusion, proper tree trimming and pruning are vital for the health, safety, and aesthetics of your trees and property. Don’t leave this critical task to chance or inexperience. Trust the professionals to ensure your trees receive the care they need. For more information on the comprehensive services we offer as certified arborists, check out the International Society of Arboriculture. Take action today to protect your trees and property by scheduling an appointment with a professional tree service.

Learn more about our tree pruning and trimming services.

Emergency Tree Removal in Cary, NC

You hate to see it happen, but life is unpredictable, and sometimes things happen beyond our control. Storms, high winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, or other unforeseen events can bring trees crashing down against your house or across your driveway. While it’s ideal to have any questionable trees removed before they fall, that’s not always possible. When disaster strikes, you need immediate assistance. That’s where Ashland Tree Service comes in.

A partially fallen tree on your property is not just an inconvenience; it’s an urgent hazard that demands prompt attention. These precarious trees can cause extensive damage to your home, block access routes, and pose significant risks to the safety of your family and pets. The longer a tree remains in this unstable state, the higher the risk of it causing even more damage.

Imagine a scenario where a tree has fallen against your house. The pressure it exerts can compromise the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs if not addressed swiftly. Similarly, a tree blocking your driveway can trap vehicles, hindering your ability to leave or enter your property, which could be critical in emergencies.

At Ashland Tree Service, we understand the urgency of these situations. Our team is prepared to respond quickly and efficiently, ensuring that the dangerous tree is removed safely and promptly. We prioritize your safety and the protection of your property above all else.

When you call us, we mobilize our experienced team equipped with specialized tools and equipment to handle the job. We carefully assess the situation to determine the best course of action, minimizing further damage and ensuring a safe removal process. Our goal is to restore normalcy to your property as quickly as possible, giving you peace of mind during these stressful times.

Proactive tree removal is always the best strategy to prevent such emergencies. Regularly inspecting your trees for signs of disease, decay, or instability and addressing potential hazards can save you from future headaches. However, we understand that sometimes emergencies are unavoidable, and that’s why we are here for you 24/7.

Don’t let a partially fallen tree put your property and loved ones at risk. Call Ashland Tree Service immediately at (919) 740-3959. Our professional team will be out there ASAP to handle the situation. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing swift, reliable service when you need it most. Act now and ensure your property is safe and secure.

Learn more about our tree removal services.

Do you live elsewhere in the Raleigh Triangle? Check out our other tree service areas! How about Apex Tree services?

Contact Ashland Tree Service

If you need tree trimming, tree removal, tree pruning, stump grinding, or any other tree related service, let us know how we can help and we’ll be in touch shortly.